Below are a list of investing websites that should serve as resources for anyone looking for additional information on personal investing, personal finance, general investing, and in-depth investing concepts.
- – A great website for personal fiance advice that focuses debt reduction, frugal living, and long-term weath generation.
- – Suze mantra is “People first, Then money, Then things.” She provides good advice and focus managing credit card debt and tends to resonate better with younger adults.
- – Dave Ramsey provides financial guidance for people using “The Seven Baby Steps” approach. His books and broadcasts often feature a Christian perspective. He also states that “If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else.”
- – Investing advice inspired by the example of John Bogle. The Bogleheads forum is dedicated to the civil discussion of investing, personal finance, and consumer issues.
- – General information website that focus on broad market information and consumer advice. Not necessary giving investment advice but market information that is pertinent.
- – A general website for looking up individual stock data. The website also serves as an aggregator for other investing news.
- – A general website for looking up fund ratings about stocks, funds, and other investment types.
- – A good website for agregatted charts about the markets & stocks.
- – The ETF Database lists ETF (Exchange Traded Funds) types.
- – Is a general news and information website that covers business news, analysis and stock market data.
- – A investing website that is dedicated to providing investing education.
- – Another general education website that covers the basics of general investing.