Dear BYOAdviser, I’m 24 years old and live in Tuscaloosa, Alabama I graduated college a few years ago and have a good paying job. I have not worried about investing until now. Can you let me know what some of the basic things I should know … [Continue reading]
Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway Annual Letter – 2016
I have shared these before and find them very interesting and entertaining snippets of our current economic climate. Below I have shared my favorite snippet from Warren's 2016 letter and a link to the full document. The letter is only 28 pages long … [Continue reading]
How The Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio
Here is a short and very informative video that shows "How the Economic Machine Works" from a 50,000 foot view. This can help understand why markets move the way they do. … [Continue reading]
Simplifying your Investing – Separate the Forest from the Trees
Often when it comes to investing people can get distracted with details, charts, information and misinformation for that matter. It's important that we focus on the essentials, so that we get done what we need to, without wasting time and making … [Continue reading]
Warren Buffett Quotes – 2014 Annual Report Wisdom
Yesterday Berkshire Hathaway released its Annual Report and amongst the standard numbers and forecasts livest the wisdom of Warren Buffett "Oracle of Omaha." I have plucked a few for reference as if you ever get a chance to read Buffett he provides … [Continue reading]